Fix wrong order in ACF gallery and relationship fields with WPML
Recently we had some issues with websites using ACF and WPML in combination. Our gallery and relationship fields were completely messed up in their order after duplicating the content into a new language. The fields from the default language were fine. Just the translation was messed up.
We searched the ACF and WPML support forums but couldn’t find a suitable and reliable solution. After digging into the ACF source code we were able to fix the problem with a filter that we want to share with others having this problem.
To fix your order problems, copy/paste this code into your functions.php file:
function pixelbar_fix_wrong_acf_orders_with_ids( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
if ( !function_exists('icl_object_id') )
return $value;
$wpml_value = array();
foreach($value as $key=>$v) {
$id = icl_object_id($v);
if( is_int($id) ) {
$wpml_value[$key] = $id;
return $wpml_value;
add_filter('acf/format_value/type=relationship', 'pixelbar_fix_wrong_acf_orders_with_ids', 10, 3);
add_filter('acf/format_value/type=gallery', 'pixelbar_fix_wrong_acf_orders_with_ids', 10, 3);
This fix is for relationship and gallery fields and it doesn’t matter if they are in a repeater or flexible content field. This fix takes all the IDs in the array and searches the corresponding translation ID before giving the array to the get_posts() function.
It fixed our problem entirely.
If you want to expand this fix to other fields, just add another add_filter line with the field you want to expand.
add_filter('acf/format_value/type=THE_FIELD_TYPE', 'pixelbar_fix_wrong_acf_orders_with_ids', 10, 3);
Thanks guys! This did the job :D
Ich glaube, ACF hat irgendwas umgestellt oder sogar gefixt. Bei mir macht der Schnipsel auf einmal Probleme.